Anna Fienberg was born in England in 1956 but came to Australia at the age of three. Her first book, Billy Bear and the Wild Winter, published in 1988, originated from a series she wrote while working as editor at School Magazine.
Anna’s Literary Activity
Anna has written a number of well-loved and award-winning picture books, short stories and junior novels including The Magnificent Nose & Other Marvels (winner of the CBC Book of the Year for Younger Readers in 1992), Ariel Zed and the Secret of Life (winner of the 1993 Alan Marshall Award for Children’s Literature), and more recently the Tashi series (the latest title is the tenth Tashi book Tashi and the Royal Tomb) and the four books in the Minton series, both bestselling collaborations with artist Kim Gamble. She has also published a re-telling of Thumbelina, with illustrations by Mark Jackson and Heather Potter.
Anna has written a number of well-loved and award-winning picture books, short stories and junior novels including The Magnificent Nose & Other Marvels (winner of the CBC Book of the Year for Younger Readers in 1992) and Ariel Zed and the Secret of Life (winner of the 1993 Alan Marshall Award for Children’s Literature). Anna’s collaboration with Kim Gamble has resulted in a plethora of wonderful books, including theTashi series (the latest title is the sixteenth, Tashi and the Golem) and the four books in the Minton series. Their picture book Joseph was shortlisted for the CBCA Picture Book of the Year Awards and they have released a picture book format Tashi, There Once Was A Boy Called Tashi and now The Amazing Tashi Activity Book.
Anna also writes for high school students. She published Power to Burn in 1995 and, in 1999, Borrowed Light, described as ‘a complex, frank portrait of female teenage sexuality’ and acclaimed by Morris Gleitzman as ‘A wonderful book … It reminds me of why writers write and readers read.’ Borrowed Light was an Honour Book in the 2000 CBCA Book of the Year Awards for Older Readers and was also shortlisted for the 2000 NSW Premier’s Literary Award. Nearly all of Anna’s books have been listed as Notable Books by the CBC. Anna’s most recent book for older readers is The Witch in the Lake and she has also just released her first adult novel, The Escape.
More information at tashibooks.com